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Maidstone, a large town in the county of Kent in southeast England, has experienced a significant increase in theft and burglary rates over the past few years. Local law enforcement agencies have been grappling with the challenge of identifying and prosecuting the criminals involved in these cases. In response, the Maidstone Police Department (MPD) has begun implementing lie detector tests, or polygraph examinations, as an investigative tool to assist in the apprehension and conviction of offenders. This case study examines the impact of lie detector tests on solving theft cases in Maidstone and evaluates their effectiveness in aiding criminal investigations.


Between 2020 and 2022, Maidstone witnessed a steady increase in theft incidents, particularly in residential and commercial areas. The MPD faced numerous challenges in solving these cases, such as lack of witnesses, inconclusive evidence, and uncooperative suspects. In an effort to improve their investigative capabilities, the MPD started utilizing lie detector tests in 2022, as part of their interrogation process.

Case Example

In June 2022, a series of burglaries occurred in a residential neighborhood in Maidstone. The break-ins involved the theft of valuable items such as jewelry, electronics, and cash. After an exhaustive investigation, the MPD identified three potential suspects with criminal records related to theft.

The MPD conducted individual lie detector tests on each suspect. The tests were administered by a certified polygraph examiner, following the guidelines set by the American Polygraph Association (ApA) and British Polygraph Society (BPS). The test focused on the suspects’ involvement in the recent thefts and their knowledge of specific details of the crimes. The results of the polygraph examinations indicated that one of the suspects, Jason H., was being deceptive when answering questions about his involvement in the thefts.

Based on the polygraph results and additional evidence gathered during the investigation, the MPD arrested Jason H., who later confessed to committing the burglaries. This confession led to the recovery of a significant amount of stolen property, which was then returned to the rightful owners.


Following the successful implementation of the lie detector test in the case above, the MPD has continued to utilize polygraph examinations in their investigations. Since the adoption of this tool, the department has observed an increase in their case resolution rate, with more criminals being brought to justice and stolen property being recovered.

However, it should be noted that lie detector tests are not infallible and can sometimes yield inaccurate results. Therefore, the MPD stresses the importance of using polygraph examinations as just one component of a comprehensive investigative approach, in conjunction with other evidence and methods.


The introduction of lie detector tests as an investigative tool in Maidstone has demonstrated promising results in the fight against theft. By helping law enforcement officers identify deceptive suspects and uncover hidden information, these tests have contributed to a higher case resolution rate and improved public safety. While the use of polygraph examinations is not without its limitations, their integration into the MPD’s investigative process has proven to be a valuable asset in combating crime in the community.